Registration & Studio Information
Via Email or Phone
If you are unable to attend any of the in-studio registration dates, we also offer registration by email or phone. You can leave a message on the studio voicemail (519-836-7402) and staff will return your call with class details. Alternatively, you can send an email to hollyhughesdanceacademy@gmail.com and staff will respond with class details!
Online Registration​
After you have registered for classes with Holly Hughes (over phone, email or during in-studio registration), we ask any NEW students to please fill out a registration form (link provided below).
Once you have filled out a registration form, as well as payment form (Visa or Mastercard), your student will be registered into their classes.
You will be able to sign into your Jackrabbit account to see a record of your payments throughout the year.
A $50.00 administrative fee will be charged on any refunds for services and/or classes during the 2024/2025 dance year
Registration Steps
Click Here to fill out a registration form for the 2024-2025 season.​​
Through the registration form, you will be asked to provide payment information for the year (Visa or Mastercard).
Complete the Parent Portal section of the registration form and create a password. This will allow you to log in throughout the year to view your classes and monthly statements. Parent Portal access will be available through the HHDA website as well.
2024/2025 RATES AND FEES
Rates for 2024/2025 Dance Lessons
$42.00/month + HST - 2 yr tot and parent class (30 minute class)
$50.00/month + HST - beginner pointe (30 minute class)
$54.00/month + HST – preschool & beginner levels (45 minute class)
$58.00/month + HST – junior levels (45-minute class)
$61.00/month + HST – senior levels (45-minute class)
$122.00/session +HST – adult classes (45-minute classes, 8-week sessions)
2024/2025 Private Lessons
$70.00 + HST per hour
$60.00 + HST per 45 minutes
$50.00 + HST per half hour
Any students interested in private lessons should book at the first of each month
All dance fees are charged on a monthly basis and due the 1st of each month. Payments will be processed on the 1st of each month. Dancers will not be permitted entry into the dance studio if payment is not paid in full when it is due on the 1st of the month. Dance lessons are charged on a monthly basis and the full amount is due regardless of how many times a dancer has class that month.
Service Fees
â–ª Unfortunately, if your recreational monthly fee is not paid by the 1st of the month, your dancer will not be able to attend class until payment is made.
â–ª A $50.00 administrative fee will be charged on any refunds for services and/or classes during the 2024/2025 dance year.
â–ª Any families with one or more students totalling two or more classes a week will be given a discount on monthly dance lessons. This will be discussed with you at the time of registration and is only applicable to monthly dance lessons. If you are a returning dancer, please remember you have already been discounted from the previous year.
â–ª Pay for the year in full (Sept-May) in June and you will receive 5% off! Pay for the year in full in August and you will receive 3% off!
Make sure to check if your dancer is dancing in Studio A or B during registration.
Class times are subject to change if the class does not fill to the minimum required students by September 14, 2024.
We lock our studio doors 15 minutes after the end of the last class. Teachers and staff are not responsible to wait with students after that time.
Please check your email, the studio bulletin board and your dancer’s bag regularly for important studio newsletters.
Waiting Area
Our waiting room is open to both dancers and parents. No Tap shoes on the tile floor. Please wait until you are in class to put on your tap shoes.
Washroom Facilities
There are washroom facilities for your child’s use. In your child’s first class he or she will be shown where the washrooms are, however, we do stress that washroom purposes be done at home or before class.
Studio Secretary & Office
If there are any questions or concerns, please kindly leave your message on the answering machine and your call will be returned as soon as possible (519-836-7402) or email hollyhughesdanceacademy@gmail.com Please do not disturb the teachers before, during or after classes.
Online Office System
Our office is now completely online. To register, please go to our website and click registration. Follow all Jackrabbit instructions.
Final Rec Payments
All rec fees must be paid by April 13, 2025. This includes the month of May. This is to help prepare for the cost of costumes when they go out later in May.
Recital 2025
The 41st Dance Recital is scheduled for June 3 - 7, 2025 at The River Run Centre. The staff at the River Run Centre and the Holly Hughes Dance Academy will work together to ensure a safe, fun and professional environment for all our dancers and their families.
Save the date for recital pictures…
Comp photos will be taken on Saturday January 25, 2025.
Rec photos will be taken on Sunday June 1 and Monday June 2
If a dancer misses their photo day, accommodations will not be made for reshoots.
HHDA Merchandise
Don’t miss out on our HHDA merchandise! Orders to commence in the fall.
Our holidays will follow that of the Public Schools. Please check your email, studio bulletin board and newsletters for any changes. The studio answering machine will also provide this information (519-836-7402).
Costume Deposits
Please note that a $95.00 costume deposit per dance will be charged through Jackrabbit on Saturday November 9, 2024.
Drop-Off Area
You are welcome to use our convenient drop-off and pick-up area but please remember to drive slowly and cautiously. Young children enter and exit these doors on a regular basis. Please watch out for them. Parking is available in the front, in the back and along both sides of the building. Please do not park at Royal City Automotive during office hours, they will tow vehicles. We have had parking issues with the church in the back of the building. Hopefully, this will be figured out before classes start in September. Parking passes will be handed out if needed. Royal City Automotive have graciously let us park in their parking lot after-hours (after 5:30pm Monday - Friday, all day Saturdays and Sundays).
Inclement Weather Class Cancellation
In the event of inclement weather (snowstorms, power failure, etc.) Cancellations will be posted on our social media sites.
Studio Rules
Everyone at the Holly Hughes Dance Academy has the right to have a fun and safe environment. Absolutely no bullying of any kind will be tolerated. This will be monitored by the teachers in studio A and studio B.
Students are expected to attend each class scheduled for them. There will be no refund or make-up date for a class that is missed due to illness, vacation, inclement weather, etc.
Students must always be on time for their class, and in the proper dress code.
Students must always be quiet and well behaved while waiting before and after their class.
No smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, or littering.
Please DO NOT wear your tap shoes on the waiting room floor.
Please do not disturb the teachers during or between classes.
Parents, please check your email, child’s dance bag, and studio bulletin for newsletters.
Please respect the dance studio and treat it as you would your home.
Privacy Statement
The Holly Hughes Dance Academy respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. We do not rent, sell, trade, or display our mailing lists. The personal data you supply us with is used for the following purposes:
Manage, develop, and enhance our programs and services.
Process and collect fees for service and provide receipts.
Communicate with our clients.
Collect data for statistical and fundraising purposes.
Provide staff with pertinent and relevant information.